Ever since 2012 I’ve been passionate about health and fitness and created an Instagram page, BoostYourLife. My page has now gathered a dedicated audience which is why I want to create a website for it. A main reason I want to expand my Instagram page onto a website is because I hope to start a magazine in the distant future. I am actually doing my thesis around this concept to gather data that will help me understand the right content to include in my magazine. On my site I plan to include my logo in the center of the page and have three main separate pages, healthy recipes, nutritional tips, and inspirational stories.

Healthy recipes:

In this section I’ll be posting healthy recipes that include breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, snacks and smoothies. Additionally, I’ll include the nutritional content for each recipe and benefits of certain foods. Furthermore, I’ll create the dish and take a picture of it myself so the viewer at least has some kind of idea how it looks like.

Nutrition tips:

In this section I’ll discuss different nutritional tips for different goals. Additionally, I’ll share super foods and how they help along with certain workout cheats one could fit in anywhere.

Inspirational stories:

In the last section I’ll share inspirational stories. I have many people tagging me on Instagram on posts with their fitness story. I want to start interviewing these individuals and sharing their remarkable story on my page to inspire the public.

For the layout I plan to have a banner at the top and the logo for my page right below it. As for the body, I’m going to show a preview of the new content (I intend to add new content every week.) The navigation will take the browser to each page and every post that has been uploaded. Lastly, the footer will include social media pages for “Boost Your Life” and an email me option. I’m excited to get on this!



A new page!

One thought on “A new page!

  • October 22, 2015 at 3:25 pm

    I’m excited to see how this turns out! It’s going to be so cool to have a website for your Insta fans to go to.

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