Objective: Use all the skills gained during the course to develop a site for an organization or event. You will use WordPress as a CMS, multimedia editing and YouTube to host it, images in a slideshow presentation with captions, WP Plugins to add desired functionality and any other tools we covered.


    • Select an organization or event (or other approved topic) that lends toward sufficient content and an extensive use of your skills.
    • If your site is on an existing organization or event, be sure to clearly indicate that your site is not the official site, but a school project.
    • Create a complete Web site using WordPress as CMS. Find a good Bootstrap-driven theme to start and then customize.
    • Install the site under a subdomain. See instructions in tutorial.
    • Your site must include at least one video (or more – host on YouTube) and one photo slideshow (find a theme that has a slideshow or use a plugin). Photos must have captions.
    • Make at least three CSS changes to customize the CSS for color, placement or other styling to achieve your desired layout and design. This can be done in the Customize CSS area of your theme (if it has one) or in a child theme that you create.
    • Include at least 3 plugins/widgets – Photo content slider, Twitter widget, social sharing, etc.
    • Carefully plan sections and organize your time to allow for creating appropriate graphics, obtain photos and other information.
    • The site should include at least 4 different sections, represented by separate pages.
    • Make sure your contact info and date is available on the site. Pay careful attention to any other detail that we have discussed over the semester (good to review past project critiques).
    • Make sure project is linked to your assignment page. Include the name of the site as the link and a short description. In the description, describe the plugins/widgets you used (at least three) and the custom CSS changes you made (at least three).