The second mass comm week event I attended was Working at a tech company, with speakers Annie Werner and Stacie Chan.

As Annie was the first speaker and all of our attention was directed towards her, she got to go into depth about her career in Tumblr. There were some volume issues, but her message was still clear: If you don’t have anything yet, create a Tumblr! Her job revolves around finding interesting and unique accounts. I remember how she spoke about a friend who created a blog about things Blake Lively does, and I believe he works there too. How funny is that?

And Stacie was another great motivational speaker for females who want to go into the tech world, seeing as she currently works at Google! I remember her talking about how many say journalism is dead, but in fact, is actually quite the opposite because there’s so much you can do with journalism. She also talked about her getting your name out in cyber space is one of the most helpful things you can do while trying to start your career because employers want to see your work online. Print journalism may not be as valuable anymore, but digital journalism definitely is.

These events are motivating me to expand my personal brand out online, and not only create new blogs and sites, but actually keep up with them. Showing your passion through a few well built sites is far more valuable than creating a lot of mediocre sites.

Here is Stacie Chan’s wordpress blog, which isn’t kept up with too much. However, that’s very understandable seeing as she’s the community manager at Google. I can’t even keep up with my blogs, and I only go to school and work part-time.

And here is a view of Annie Werner’s Tumblr blog:
Working at a tech company