If you check out my website you’ll see that I have an obsession with all things pop. The pop aesthetic what I live and breathe, and the specific figures within this aesthetic that most frequently stir me are the women. Female pop stars, actresses, and stories about women are my bread and butter. I also study fame academically and the specific type of fame I am most interested in is the highly performative feminine fame that has emerged over the course of the last century with the rise of paparazzi journalism. It should come as no surprise then that the banner hobby that unifies my website-in-the-making is Women Who Pose. There will be a home page which will essentially function to give a comprehensive view of my interests and provide the theoretical umbrella that explains what I wish to invoke with the phrase “Women Who Pose” and unites my other pages, which will be…


In the music section I will be have a write-up describing what my musical priorities are. Genres and sub-genres under the umbrella of pop that I love, particular favorite artists, my intellectual priorities when picking favorite pop, qualities that can make me abandon my intellectual priorities when picking favorite pop, etc.


This section will likewise contain a discussion of favorite genres and figures. Some of these actually will be male directors, but they will be directors that tell stories about women. A substantial portion of this page will also be dedicated to my first filmic love: actresses.


Here I will discuss my academic interests in fame. I will detail the kind of fame that I am interested in, discuss some important theoretical thoughts, and refer to exemplary scholarship that I draw from in crafting my own.

Now, as far as the layout goes. As you can see from the image below I am attempting to establish a sidebar navigation with a clearly marked boundary between it and the rest of the site. I am also attempting to have a main banner that is a carousel which keeps the same words even as the picture changes. This banner will be, like the main content, separated from the sidebar. Beside the sidebar and under the carousel/banner will be the majority of the site where the content will be. It is still in infancy, and a lot could change depending on what I am able to pull off by the deadline. WISH ME LUCK!!!


Women Who Pose: A Bootstrap Site