When it comes to website design, I gravitate towards liking site that are clean, minimal and have pictures. Two out of the three sites I’m blogging about fit that criteria. The third site is completely different, but I really love the concept.


Screen Shot 2015-09-11 at 10.59.58 PM

What I like about the Vogue homepage is the navigation bar. It might not look like much when you see it, but what I love is that it’s clean. The social media buttons at the top are also a plus; I see lots of sites have them at the bottom, and I don’t think most people will get to the bottom of your site.

Screen Shot 2015-09-11 at 10.38.31 PMAnother design aspect I like are the tiles on the homepage. Each tile contains a photo and link to an article on the site. Now that is something I’d like to have on my personal blog on WordPress.


Screen Shot 2015-09-11 at 11.09.13 PMWhat I like about the GQ website is that the homepage looks like a newspaper article. Each section has a picture with a headline, once you click on the picture, it sends your directly to the article. Another thing I like is the navigation bar. It’s clean and simple, the black banner contrast the white background.



Jurassic World

Screen Shot 2015-09-11 at 11.25.38 PMNow the third site has nothing to do with fashion. It’s actually the site for the Jurassic World movie. This site is interactive and it is suppose to mirror a real amusement park website. If it was up to me, I’d give the biggest web design award to the person who created it.

Some of the interesting tiles on the homepage are buying tickets to Jurassic World, a map of the amusement park, plan your visit and a section for kids.

Screen Shot 2015-09-11 at 11.30.08 PMIf you haven’t visited this the site, then I suggest you take a chance to take a tour now.


Fashion and Dinosaurs