I love to browse through many websites, but not all of them look exactly nice. To me, a great site is one that is just simple and clean. Also, it helps when there aren’t pop ups or ads all over the place. The few sites listen below are some I think are pretty neat.


1. http://www.cnn.com  Although the index page is literally surrounded by an ad this morning, I love this site because it’s simple and straight to the point. The links work at all times, and it isn’t difficult to navigate around. Here are some screen shots on how the site looks, most of the time.

This page is for what is going on around the US, and the top story at the moment is in the center.
This page is for what is going on around the US, and the top story at the moment is in the center.
This is what it looks like when you click on the top story.
This is what it looks like when you click on the top story.


2. http://www.people.com/people/  People magazine online! If you’re into keeping up with the entertainment side of news, this is an efficient site to look through. It follows my favorites qualities, clean and straight to the point. There are the occasional pop ups, but they’re only to gain subscribers.

Index page with the top story on the left hand side.
Index page with the top story on the left hand side.
When clicked on the top story
When clicked on the top story


3.  http://www.vogue.com  There are hundreds of sites I visit, but out of curiosity I decided to look up what are some well designed sites of 2014; Vogue was one the top. I didn’t know what to expect when I clicked the link, but wow. Vogue is definitely a great site. It might be due to the fact that it’s a fashion site, but I love how the design is so sleek and modern. The screen shots below just show the index page.

Index page for Vogue
Index page for Vogue
Scrolling down the page, you can find their news posts
Scrolling down the page, you can find their news posts


I’m anxious to see how site designs will keep molding in the future. I’ve noticed it’s no longer about bright colors and pictures everywhere, it’s all about being simple.

Well Designed Sites